“…you are all sons of light and sons of the day, we are not of the night nor of darkness…”

1 Thessalonians 5:5 (NKJV)

In the shadows, and the dark of night is a sound that beckons on the human soul, in this shadow is the voice that seeks to capture the human mind, to tame him and make him do his will. And the ear that is opened to this call, traces the sound of this voice, to know him or what beckons. The whispers in the dark will keep you yearning, it will keep you wanting to know who is whispering. It will put a desire in you to discover its true identity. In the shadows and in the dark night, is the voice that calls the little child into hidden places till they are found no more, it calls the youth into disobedience, wanting to know what would go wrong if he does wrong. This whispers and voices are called darkness, you have no part with them, and you cannot associate with them.

The whispers in the dark are voices in your head that tell you what wrong to do, and what right not to do. This whispers can be overpowering, the sound of its voice will come at you again and again till you heed its words or drown its voice. Do not give in to the whispers in the dark, because it will take you into the shadows until you are found no more. The whispers in the dark come with a force and a strong desire to change who you are, take away the goodness in you, and replace your love with hatred. Those dark voices within, seek to consume you with darkness and to fill your heart with horror. But you can drown it, because there is greatness in you, and this greatness is the light of God that is in you. You are not a child of the night or of darkness. You are of the light, made to illuminate the world with your light, and with your light, you can overpower any darkness that seeks to consume you. You are wrapped up in Jesus, and the light in you is the light in Him. So make use of your light, and let it shine in every dark place. Let your light ward off every darkness that seeks to drown you. You can say no to killing, or the thirst for blood, you can say no to wickedness, you can say no to evil, you can say no to jealousy or gossip. Yes, you can say no to any act that doesn’t proceed from God. You have got it in you to say no to darkness and to overpower it. Start now, start today and let the darkness disappear.


Drown the darkness with your light.


Father, I thank you for giving me the light that is in you, and for equipping me with the ability to illuminate my world with your light. I declare that your light that shines in me and through me is what rules me, your light directs me so that I always stay in the light.  I declare that I can never be overtaken by darkness in Jesus’ name. Amen!



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