When You Say “God Bless You”, Mean It

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on September 3, 2023

But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one…” Matthew 5:37 (NKJV)

One of the most common statements you will hear in the mouths of many believers today is “God bless you”. For some people, it’s just a word you say to encourage someone during a conversation, while for others, it’s a statement made absent-mindedly. But in the real sense, when you tell someone, God bless you, do you really mean those words? Think about it! The last time you said those words to someone, were you conscious of what you were saying? Or was it just another absent-minded statement that has become popular in your mouth? 

For most people, this word no longer means anything. They are not conscious of the implications of this word, and this is why even after telling someone, God bless you, they do not notice or experience any change. But just imagine if it were Jesus who said such words to you, You would instantly feel a difference because He would say them from a place of revelation and consciousness.

Beloved, if you truly want God to bless the people you prayed that prayer for, then you should learn to say it with revelation and present-hour consciousness. I learned this lesson recently when I used the word, and God taught me a big lesson from it. I was chatting with someone, and at the end of the conversation, I said, “God bless you”, and the next thing, the Holy Spirit said, “Did you mean that statement you just made? Do you really want them blessed?” And I said “yes”, so the Holy Spirit” said, “Mean it from your heart next time”.  Until this question came up, I didn’t realize I had always made this statement without the required consciousness. I learned a lesson that day and made the required adjustments. Now I always say those words from a place of revelation and consciousness because God wants us to actually mean them. So, my beloved, I want you to learn this too and begin to truly bless people with your words. You may not think that something as simple as “God bless you” can cause a shift in other people’s lives, but trust me, it has the capacity to do that if only you will consciously use the word today. Praise God! 

Today’s Rhema

If you truly want God to bless others, mean your words when you speak!

Confession for the Day

The word of God in my mouth is God talking, therefore, I choose this day to release faith-filled words and my words, and as I do, men and women are getting blessed for real in Jesus name. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa Victoria

    Hallelujah! Iam supper blessed. Thank you so much sir for such apowerful teaching. God bless you sir.

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