What You Must Know About Change (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday January 10, 2024

Hand flip wooden cube with word "change" to "chance", Personal development and career growth or change yourself concept

“for everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven…”Ecclesiastes 3:1 The change you truly want to see manifest in your life is possible. However, you must understand that change is a function of principles. If change is going to happen, it will take time and actions and once you begin to take the actions that are required of you, change begins to take place little by little. The challenge today is that many of God’s people want change in their lives today but they are oblivious of how change truly happens, so they end up getting impatient and the change that they truly desire never comes to pass. Beloved, if you truly want to see change manifest in your life, you must follow the process. A vivid example of what I am talking about is the story of Elijah and how he prayed for rain after three years. 

When he started praying, nothing happened. He sent his servant to go and check the sky to see if there was a sign of rain but the servant went and found nothing. He prayed again and seven times the servant kept returning with no sign of rain. It was the seventh time, he came back and said to him, I see in the cloud something that looks like a man’s hand and Elijah said that is all I need (1 Kings 18:41-46 NKJV) but you see, it didn’t happen at once. He was patient and committed to seeing it happen. So, he continued taking the necessary actions until the desired change was manifested. You also should do the same, whatever change you are believing in God for this day, be patient and committed in prayers because it will certainly take place at the appointed time.

Today’s Rhema

Change is possible but it is a process that happens over time; to get it, you must be patient!

Confession for the Day

Father in the name of Jesus, I am glad to receive the truth in your word concerning change, I declare that as I apply the principles in the scriptures, change will be activated in my life. Even when I do not immediately see it, I will wait patiently for it to happen because I know that change is a gradual process. Praise God!

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