What God Recommends in Times of Difficulties


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday October 3, 2022

prayer, faith, religion

“…Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray……” James 5:1 (NKJV)

All the answers to the questions that we have deep within us can be found in the scriptures if you will take your time to search for them and believe when you find them. Most of the time, when people go through difficulties in life, they tend to turn to men for a solution because they feel it is easier and quicker, but the truth remains that God has given us a recommendation on what to do in times of difficulties. We are not to panic or start running from pillar to post seeking help; we are expected to go down on our knees and pray. As simple as this might sound, this is all that you need to do to come out of any challenge you find yourself in, but sadly, too many of God’s people have given up on prayer completely. In fact, when the subject of prayer is being taught in church today, some people overlook this subject because they feel that they have prayed and nothing happened, but I am writing this to remind you that prayer works. Do not be misled by those who claim that prayer has a 50% chance of success. Prayer is meant to work any time you want it to, but you must have faith that when you pray you will receive.

Prayer, my dear friend, is God’s recommendation for us in any situation that we find ourselves in. In our opening scriptures, the Bible declares, “…is any one of you suffering?” It says, “Let him pray.” If only you would be diligent enough to put this to work, you will be amazed at the kind of results that you will experience in your life. Therefore, I admonish you to take the subject of prayers seriously and actually pray. Do it intentionally, plan and prepare for it and, above all, spend time on it. Refuse to panic or be anxious when you go through anything, but rather stand your ground and do God’s word. In Philippians 4:6, the bible says, “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. Make a conscious decision to allow prayers to become a part of your life, and once you’ve prayed, believe in what you’ve done and become expectant, because the Bible says in John 16:24, “…he who asks receives.” God bless you!


Prayer is God’s recommendation for us in times of difficulties!

Confession for the Day

All powerful and ever-living Father, I thank you for the wisdom revealed in your word, I declare that henceforth, I will not panic or worry, but rather I chose to pray whether there is need for it or not. Thank you, Father, because as I carry on with prayers today, my life is changed in Jesus Name!

1 comment

  • Ojo Adejoke

    Amen thank you Jesus. Prayer is the master key to opens and operate all the lock opportunity….. Thanks sir for sharing this with us

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