We Are a Family


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday July 5, 2023

“…consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household….” —Ephesians 2:19 (NIV)

The opening scripture tells us very clearly who a Christian is to God, it says we are members of His household. The Christian life is more about God’s family, and this family is the family of Christ Jesus, which includes everyone who gives His life to Christ. This family has no age bars, color discrimination,

or gender disqualifications. It’s a family that welcomes everyone and treats everyone alike. From this you see that when a man receives Jesus into His life, he becomes a member of this holy family of God, and this ultimately means all Christians are brothers and sisters. That is why the Bible says, “…both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.” Hebrews 2:11 (NIV). This family of Christ functions the way all earthly families function, it has a head who is in the person of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, and it has a country, which is Zion, the city of the living God. 

Now, just the way the citizenship of a country can be attained by birth; this is the same way the citizenship of heaven and the holy family of Christ can be attained by being born again. So what does this mean for every Christian? As Christians and the most holy family in the world, we must honor our family by staying united;We must honor the head of this family by keeping the love and the bond of the Christendom. We must support the brotherhood with all love, care and affection by giving to the needy amongst us, and helping those who are unable to help themselves. So, as a believer, do all you can to fulfill your part in the family and do not ignore your brother or sister who needs you. The Christian family needs every Christian to participate the way he would in his own home that he heads or that he is a member of. Remember the Christian family is forever; it will always remain and cannot be broken. Therefore, strive to keep your place in this family and fulfill your own part in expanding the family and making the family stay united. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Don’t break the brotherhood, be an essential part of the Christian family!

Confession for the Day

Dear Father! I thank you for counting me worthy to be a part of the Christian family and for giving me every right that a Christian deserves. I declare that I will give all care and attention to the family of Christ, as it is required of me. I am most grateful for all that you have done and all you continue to do. Amen!

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