“…for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life…” 2 Corinthians 3:6 (NKJV)

When you study God’s word what do you watch out for? Do you study just to study? Or do you study with the purpose of receiving a deeper revelation of God’s word that will help you improve your walk with God and live a victorious life? Well, beloved, if you truly want to excel in your Christian walk and not be hindered by the activities of the devil, you must delight yourself in His word and crave for deep revelation or insight from God’s word. Because the transformational power of God’s word lies in the revelation behind the letters, not the letter itself. 

This is why you must look beyond just the letter and look deeper. When you look deeper, you draw deeper things from God’s word and this can literally change your life completely. Now, when I talk about looking deeper, I do not mean studying to quote the scriptures which is also not a bad idea. But you see, it is possible to quote scriptures, and have no revelation of what you are quoting and when this happens, you will not be able to unlock the transformational power of the word of God. Therefore, it is important that when you study or listen to God’s word, pay attention to the revelations behind the letter or the word being preached, so that you can lay hold of the revelations which becomes a light that will brighten your path and dispel the darkness. Hallelujah!


It is not enough to quote the scripture, you should have the revelation of it!


Thank you Father, for this wonderful counsel. I receive grace to pay more attention to the revelation behind the scriptures and as I do this I am walking in the light of God’s word and I am making tremendous progress in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Categories: May 2022


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