Watch Out for Greed in Your Life


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday July 23, 2024

A man in a suit is seated on a pile of money. Greed, money, business, politics Image concept.

“…beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgements and His statues which I command you today, lest- when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and you that you have is multiplied; when your heart is lifted up, and your forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage…” Deuteronomy 8:11-14 (NKJV)

As Christians, one of the things we must watch out for and address promptly is greed. It’s possible to be in Christ and still be consumed by greed, which is something that Jesus Christ specifically warned us against. In Luke 12:15 (AMPC), He says, “…guard yourselves and keep free from all covetousness (the immoderate desire for wealth, the greedy longing to have more); for a man’s life does not consist in and is not derived from possessing overflowing abundance or that which is over and above his needs…” The Good News Bible translation further emphasizes this in Luke 12:15 (GNB): “…watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because a person’s true life is not made up of the things he owns, no matter how rich he may be…”

Now, the question arises: how do we check greed in our lives? It’s not simply a matter of saying, “I’m not greedy.” Greed can only be addressed through your giving attitude—your willingness to give to God and to others. If you find yourself unwilling or reluctant to give to God your tithes, first fruits, and offerings in general, it’s an indication that greed may be present. Similarly, if you find yourself giving to God selfishly when He has blessed you with more than enough, that’s another sign of greed. And if you’re unwilling or reluctant to give to others, it’s further evidence of greed.

I understand that this may be a challenging concept for some, but it’s important to reflect on why you might struggle with giving to God. If it’s not greed, what else could it be? When giving becomes a problem or difficult for you, even after God’s blessings, it’s a sign that you need to address your greed before it takes hold.

The cure for greed is to give cheerfully. Train yourself to become a joyful giver who gives to God without reluctance. Interestingly, the Bible promises in Luke 6:38 (KJV) that when you become a cheerful giver, “…it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over shall men give into your bosom…”

So, combat greed today by giving to God and to others. It will help you find favor with God and with people.

Today’s Rhema 

Giving to God and to men is the cure for greed!

Confession for the Day 

Thank you heavenly father for teaching me this truth today. I choose to be a lavish giver and not a greedy person because I know that my life does not consist in what I possess. And as I give, it shall be given unto me, good measure, pressed and shaken together and running over. Hallelujah!

1 comment

  • Today, poverty is rampant in the world because the haves share very little with the have-nots. The family of God (Christians) should be at the center of philanthropic activities in their respective societies.

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