To Your Christian Walk, Add Seriousness


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday March 28, 2022

footprints on sand

“…but also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge…” II Peter 1:5 (NKJV)

As a Pastor, I have been opportune to meet with a lot of believers and one of the things I have noticed that is lacking in the lives of many is seriousness. Too many believers today are not serious with their faith in Christ and walk with Him. For many of them, being a Christian is just a ceremonial thing. They do not pray to God, or study to know God more or give attention to activities that promote the purposes of God in the earth. Sadly, when you speak to them about this, the response you will get most of the time is , “Christianity is in the heart and you can serve God anywhere” Some others even go as far as saying, I do not have to be in church everyday, to prove that I am serving God” Unfortunately, as true as these statements might sound, it communicates the gross ignorance people have when it comes to serving God and what He wants from us.

Beloved, if you truly love God, you must care about what He wants from you and how He wants to be worshiped. You must understand that God wants you to be serious with your relationship with Him. He wants you to prove your love for Him not just in words but in your actions. So, whatever you do, you should add some seriousness to the way you are relating with God. You must take prayers seriously and give more attention to studying His word because without that you can’t know Him more or serve Him with revelation. You must take soul winning seriously because that is the heartbeat of God in these last days. You must take the assembling of the saints seriously (Hebrews 10:25) because that is something God expects from you. He doesn’t want you to worship in isolation. He wants you to worship with others because it is necessary for your spiritual growth. So, whatever you are doing with God right now, God wants you to get serious and do it wholeheartedly. Refuse to walk with God absent-minded, put your heart in it and you will be amazed how your walk with God and your life will be transformed completely. Make up your mind to make God proud of your walk with Him.

Today’s Rhema

If you truly love God, you must care about what He wants from you and how He wants to be worshiped!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for your love and grace. I thank you for revealing your mind to me through this article. I decree therefore that I am taking my Christian life seriously. In all that I do, I will be serious with it and as I do, I unlock the blessings of seriousness in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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