There May Be Delays, but It Is Never Too Late


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday January 1, 2024

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“…by faith, Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age because she judged Him faithful who had promised…” Hebrews 11:11 (NKJV)

As the new year begins today, one of the things you must believe in your heart is that there is always time to achieve the things you truly want to achieve. We live in a world where the clock ticks on everything. When you have to pay your rent there is a fixed time, when you have to pay the Children’s school fees the time is also fixed, even handling and fixing several projects is also fixed. This fixed time puts us under a lot of pressure because we are trying to meet the deadline. But when these things are not done at the appointed or set time, we tend to shiver and say it’s late. On this note, I’m here to surprise you because there is a difference between late and too late. When it’s late, it means it didn’t happen on time but that doesn’t mean it can’t still happen or the situation can’t be changed. You must understand that too late doesn’t mean nothing can’t be done. We find this case in the life of Sarah the wife of Abraham. The Bible records that Sarah was past the age of childbearing which connotes that she had reached menopause. In the eyes of men, it was over for Sarah, it was too late for her to bear a child, but that was in the eyes of men. 

In the eyes of God, there was nothing like that, because we see from the counsel of the scriptures that, at the appointed time Sarah was going to have a child. However, when God told Abraham that they were going to have a child, Sarah laughed within herself because she felt she was old (Genesis 18:10-12). But God said, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.” Genesis 18:14 (NKJV). Now, take note of the statement, “at the appointed time.” In the eyes of God, the time when Sarah was going to have her child was later in her lifetime, but it wasn’t a situation that was too late to fix. This therefore explains how God sees the situation you are in right now. God is not seeing that it’s too late for your life to witness a change, He has just appointed a time for it. You may consider yourself behind and think it’s late but understand that it’s indeed not too late. So, I’m encouraging you to hold on to your faith in the word of God and understand that nothing is too late to fix. You are not too late to fix it; you just need to wait for the appointed time. God bless you. Amen!

Today’s Rhema

It may happen later, but it’s never too late for anything to change!

Confession for the Day

Dear Father! I declare that You are the father of us all and I know that everything You have ordained has time and seasons for their manifestation. I hold on to your word and know that nothing is ever too late with you. Thank you Oh God! May your name be praised forever. Amen!

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