There Is Liberty in Christ Jesus


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday December 28, 2023

freedom, silhouette, woman

“…now the Lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is; there is liberty…” 2 Corinthians 3:17 (NKJV)

For our opening text, we see that where the spirit of the Lord is the people enjoy freedom. No imprisonments, no bondage, no sicknesses or diseases. No pain and no sorrow. The presence of the spirit of the Lord brings freedom to everyone. This is why we must be born again and we must receive the Holy Spirit. The absence of which could be a terrible thing for a man. A man, who doesn’t have the Holy Spirit, will end up suffering for nothing because it’s only the Holy Spirit that can work in us to make us free and independent of all life circumstances. We can’t have the Holy Spirit and still be in bondage because the two do not agree. So, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we automatically become free. Free to live; free to enjoy our lives, free from the stronghold of the wicked one who is the devil. So, you must understand that with the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, a new chapter is opened in our lives which takes us to another realm of glory and a deeper walk with God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Luke 4:18 declares, “…the spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recover the sight of the blind, to set at Liberty those who are oppressed.” With Jesus saying this word it shows that, before the coming or the intervention of Jesus many were in the captivity of different kinds, being tormented daily by the devil and his agents. Many were afflicted and caused so much pain, and they groaned every day in agony waiting for the day that they would be saved. Jesus said, the spirit of the Lord is with me and has given me the power to take away all these problems, pain, shame, troubles etc. So, the reason He came was to set men free. I think it’s time to tell those who are not in Christ to wake up because their help has come now. I think it’s time to tell the oppressed to receive Jesus who in turn gives them the Holy Spirit that brings liberty. Dear believer in Christ, rejoice, because you are the works of the Holy Spirit, and you are the reason for the sacrifices Jesus made. Therefore, come out of captivity, come out of pain, because you are free forever and ever.

Today’s Rhema

You are free forever because Jesus Christ came for that purpose!

Confession for the Day

I proclaim that I am living in freedom and enjoying my freedom because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has taken it all away. Now I am free from every legal hold of the devil Praise God!

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