The Word of God Cleanses You

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday June 17, 2023
Window cleaner using a squeegee to wash a window

“…to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word…  —Ephesians 5:26 (NIV)

Those of you who perform household duties are aware of how quickly your home can get dusty and how neglecting the dust may result in an unclean home. You discover that dust continues to appear, and you find yourself needing to clean your home again. You can never say, “I won’t clean my house for a month,” since the dust that will gather over that time will make it impossible for you to do so. We sweep and mop to make sure our homes look clean and habitable because only a deserted property would look unmaintained and untidy. In the same way, the word of God is like a broom. It sweeps clean, just like a broom sweeps a dirty place and makes it clean. The word of God that we receive comes into us to cleanse us of all impurity and make us pure. This was shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ when He said, “…now you are clean through the word which I have spoken to you.” John 15:3. Wow, isn’t it amazing to know that the Master Himself cleanses us with His Word? 

Now, I understand why He always gathered people and taught them the word of God. He did this because He knew that the more He taught them about God, the more He was cleansing and positioning them to reconcile with God the Father. From the words spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ in John 15:3, we see that the Word of God is very important to us and that we should not live our lives without it. But a lot of people do not know that God’s word is more important to them than anything else, and therefore they have no value for the word of God. And often, it is because they lack an understanding of what the word of God does in them. They do not know that with God’s word, their minds can be renewed. They do not know that with the word of God, they can become free from oppression and dispel every unnecessary attachment in their lives. However, now that you know how powerful the word of God is—as the Bible says, it is able to build us up and give us an inheritance amongst the saints (Acts 20:32)—take the word of God seriously and give it a special place in your life, and you will be amazed at the testimonies it will deliver to you in a short while.

Today’s Rhema

Let the word of God sweep you and make you clean!

Confession for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father! I thank You for making Your word available to us, and I thank You for the cleansing power in Your word. I declare that because I am a student of your word, every dirt or garbage in my life is swept clean, and I am positioned for mighty works in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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