The Privilege of Being a Child of God


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday May 31, 2022

woman wearing floral dress standing on brown grassland

“….from everlasting to everlasting, You are God…” Psalm 90:2B (NKJV)

The most amazing thing about our God is that no one can change who He is. He was God yesterday, He is God today, and will forever remain God. I am grateful to be a child of God, because I know it’s a rare opportunity, and not everybody can be a child of God. The grace of God in Christ Jesus has made it possible for every one of us who have confessed the lordship of Jesus Christ to be called sons of God. Knowing that it was God’s power that transformed our lives, the blood of Jesus Christ washed away our sins and the Holy Spirit of God came to reside in us, thereby separating us from this world. Is it not something to be grateful for? Sometimes people play light of this part of their life or see it as nothing, so I thought I would write this for everyone to know, that being a child of God is a privilege and something to be grateful for. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth told the Pharisees, “…you are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do.” John 8:44 (NKJV). When we hear the words Jesus Spoke to the Pharisees, we see that it’s not everybody that is a child of God. There are some who are the children of the devil, whom the devil has sown in them his seeds, his character, and of course his nature. So wherever they go, they go on carrying the devil’s nature, which also makes it easy for him to express himself through them at any given time. But we are sons of God, and we glory in this, we rejoice and praise our God who has made it so. Imagine if it wasn’t so? What would you be called? Definitely you won’t be called a child of God. And in the true sense a man can either be of God or of the devil. I therefore encourage you my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, let us praise the Lord our God, the Father of glory. Let us ascribe to His name the honor that is due to Him. Let the praises of Him fill your lips. Let joy and singing fill His house as we speak of what the Lord has done for us. And remember being a child of God is something to be grateful for and something to shout about. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

Being a child of God is something to be grateful for and something to shout about.

Confession for the Day

Everlasting Father! I thank you because from generation to generation you are God and will forever remain God. I thank you for making me who I am in Christ Jesus, for giving me a name as a son, and giving me a place with you, all because you counted me worthy. Thank you Father, I am forever grateful.

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