The Power of Brokenness (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on April 23, 2022
woman wearing floral dress standing on brown grassland

“…the sacrifice of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart- these, O God, you will not despise…”- Psalms 51:17 (NKJV)

Having understood the importance of brokenness, someone might ask why is God looking out for this? Well, it is because a man with these qualities (humble, quiet, gentle and patient spirit) is sensitive to God and is able to recognize God’s communications and take action in areas that God wants Him to take action. He is able to know when God is moving or not moving, when God is about to do something or avert something. He is able to walk with God and know what God wants at different times of his life and God is able to guide without facing any difficulties. Also, such a person is able discern the activities and deception of the devil and stay away from it. 

It is the best kind of life because you will never miss God no matter what and you will never fall for the manipulation of the enemy. Therefore, make a conscious decision to sensitize yourself and become humble before God. Fast and pray often but also study more of God’s word, saturate your spirit man with the word of God because it will teach you kingdom ways, and equip you with the right mindset. Also it will teach you obedience, patience and submissiveness. Listen also to faith filled messages, because these are spirit inspired teachings that will position you for fresh encounters with the Holy Spirit and set you on course for a glorious life. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

The key to a fruitful walk with God is a humble and a meek spirit!

Confession for the Day

Thank you Heavenly Father for revealing to me what you require from me. I choose to run with this knowledge and  to live every day of my life, humble and submissive to your words and instructions because I know that in doing this, your grace abounds in my life in Jesus Name. Amen!


  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeeeeeen this is so deep and important .thank you sir God bless you sir .

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeeeeeen this is so deep and important .thank you sir God bless you sir .

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