The Power of a Broken and a Contrite Heart

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 27, 2024
sadness, depression, unhappy

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise.” — Psalms 51:17 (NKJV)

King David, in our opening text, reveals an essential truth for every believer seeking a fulfilling walk with God. He speaks of “a broken spirit”—but what does this mean? David refers to a humble, gentle, and patient heart—a heart fully surrendered to God. This attitude is precious in God’s eyes, yet rare today, though it unlocks a fruitful relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Beloved, if you desire to experience God’s continual presence and guidance in your life, cultivating a humble spirit before Him is essential. Pride, arrogance, and stubbornness create barriers, for God Himself is principled and detests these qualities. James 4:6 tells us that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” God desires us to possess a broken and contrite heart—a heart sensitive and responsive to His voice and direction.

Why does God value this so highly? A humble heart is one that recognizes and responds to God’s movements. Such a heart can discern His voice, understand His guidance, and act in alignment with His will. When you cultivate humility, you can sense when God is moving, listen to His instructions, and allow Him to direct your steps without resistance. This lifestyle keeps you in constant fellowship with God, ensuring you never miss His guidance or provision. Therefore, commit to walking humbly before Him. Dive into His word, which instills patience, obedience, and submission. Engage in prayer and fasting, conditioning your spirit to stay attuned to His voice and presence. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

The key to a fruitful and rewarding walk with God is a humble and meek spirit!

Confession for the Day

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for revealing what You desire in me. I embrace this wisdom and choose to live each day humbly and submissively to Your words and instructions. I know that in doing this, Your grace overflows in my life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

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