The Importance of Taking Steps of Faith


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday April 26, 2022

A back view of two persons walking on a snow covered ground

“…the just shall live by faith…” Romans 1:17 (NKJV)

Do you want your life to be filled with inspiring testimonies? Do you want to be able to subdue and conquer any situation you have found yourself in? If yes, then you must make a conscious decision to take massive steps of faith. Beloved, as a believer who wants to see alarming results, you must learn not to only live by faith, but take steps of faith. The reason is because faith that is not exercised, will never produce results for you. It is the faith that is exercised that will produce the results that you desire in your life. For example, if you need a job and all you do is pray about the job and talk about it without taking the step of sending your resume out there, nothing will happen. You will wait for a long time without results. So, the ideal thing to do is, after you have prayed, you should take a step of faith and apply for jobs. In other words, do not stop at praying, add some actions to it, because that is what gives your faith an expression. It was for this reason the Bible says, “…faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead…” James 2:17 (NKJV). Because truly, faith without corresponding actions, produces no result.

So the question is, have you been taking steps of faith in those areas of your life where you are trusting God for a result? If you haven’t, now is the best time to start doing so because it will go a long way to change your life. In the past I have seen people who truly had faith but because they weren’t taking faith actions, nothing significant changed in their life and they fell into depression. However, you can choose to be different and watch your faith walk produce great results for you in the coming days. Whatever you are trusting God to do for you in any area of your life, can be a possibility, if you will take faith actions (maintaining positive confessions, eradicating fear and making the necessary moves towards your dream goal). Therefore, do the needful and watch your life move from glory to glory!

Today’s Rhema

Steps of faith, gives expression to your faith!

Confession for the Day 

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for equipping me with the right knowledge about faith today. I choose this day to take faith actions in every area of my life and as I do so, my actions are bearing fruit in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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