The Functions of Your Mind Determine Your Wealth

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 30, 2023
light bulb, idea, creativity

“…as a man thinks in His heart so is he…”—Proverbs 23:7

Recently, as I was meditating on God’s word and the reasons for financial struggles among God’s people, the Holy Spirit said, “There is no wealth for a dormant mind”. As I pondered these few words, I began to understand exactly what the Holy Spirit was trying to communicate to me. Today, you find that too many of God’s people have the wrong idea about wealth. Most people think that the abundance of money is wealth but the truth remains that excess money is not wealth because money is just paper. The real wealth is in established ideas. As long as you have an idea that you are able to establish, money will keep rolling towards you on a regular basis. So with this, you realise that poverty is not the absence of money but the absence of ideas and this is the reason many people are poor today. They feel they don’t have money, but in the real sense, what they don’t have is ideas. As long as a man is short of ideas, he will always be short of money. Now, the big question is, where do ideas come from and how do they come? Good ideas come from God, especially to a mind that is alive to God. 

Your mind is your greatest asset; it is the production unit of ideas and you must learn to tap into it. But to tap into it, you have to put your mind to work. You have to challenge your mind and expose yourself to the right materials and resources that will help it pick the right signals from God. The problem today is that the minds of many people are dormant and as such, they are not able to get any ideas. They don’t read any books; they don’t expose themselves to motivational messages or recordings that will help them come up with life changing ideas. Some people’s minds are just locked onto money, which rarely comes because money only flows where there is an idea. You have to understand that ideas are the language that money understands. When the idea is available, be sure that money will show up. 

So your responsibility today is to start working on your mind. Challenge it with the word of God and other motivational materials that you can lay your hands on. Refuse to allow your mind to be dormant; put it to work and start thinking. Open up your mind and let God breathe a life changing idea into you, because this is what you require to make wealth. If you take the time to consider these things, it won’t be long before you start seeing results. Remember, the Bible says that as a man thinks in his heart so he becomes (Proverbs 23:7), meaning that if you set your mind to get ideas, you become an idea in the long run. So start thinking. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

Money goes to where there is an idea

Confession for the Day

Father I thank you for the revelation available in your word. I thank you for equipping me with the right information. I declare that henceforth, my mindset towards money has changed. I will go for ideas and not money because I have come to know that when there is an idea, money will come rolling, therefore I receive in Jesus name, a million dollar idea. Praise God!

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