The Fear of the Lord Is a Secret

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on September 4, 2023
Iceland snow wood light

“…the beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord, and acknowledging the Holy One is Understanding…”—Proverbs 9:10 (NET)

Like I said in our topic for today, “The fear of the Lord is a secret.” A secret that many should utilize, a secret that many can live on, a secret that can make many live a wonderful and glorious life. Maybe in your mind, you are asking yourself, Why should I fear the Lord? If you rephrase the question, you will see many reasons why you should fear the Lord. So the right question should be, Why shouldn’t I fear the Lord? He raises the dead, He knows where the hailstone comes from, He knows where the sun stays, and He makes kings, and removes kings from their thrones. He, the Lord God Almighty, gives victory to men in battle, and brings the downfall of another in battle, He accepts the sacrificial offerings of one, and rejects the offerings of another, so why shouldn’t I fear the Lord? He saves the one that runs to Him, and brings to nothing the counsel and pride of the wicked, He leads the ungodly to the way of righteousness, and the one who thinks he is righteous in his own eyes, He leads to the way of death, so why should I fear the Lord? 

He who is king of all is above all and has everything under His control. He sits on His throne, yet no one sees him; the whole of hell hears his voice and trembles in awe of Him. Why then should I not fear the Lord? To fear the Lord, is to begin to exercise wisdom, live in wisdom, and walk in wisdom. King Solomon wisely said in the book of Proverbs 22:4 wisely said, “…The reward for humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, honor and life…” Even King Solomon knew this and gave it as advice to everyone willing to hear it. Isn’t it clear that any man who wants riches, honor, and life will fear the Lord? Every man wants riches, because it means he will never lack in his life again, or have to go through any struggle. Every man wants to be honored in his locality, country, or worldwide. And lastly, every man wants a life without sickness, pain, sorrow, chaos, etc. But all these we can get when we have the fear of the Lord, because this is what He gives to us as our rewards. What do we do then? We stand in awe of the Lord because it’s a secret to riches, honor, and life. Remember, to have the fear of the Lord is not to be afraid of the Lord but to have reverence for God. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

We fear the Lord because it’s a secret to riches, honor, and life!

Confession for the Day

I stay in awe of You, Oh God, the creator of the world. I declare that there is none like you, and there can never be any like you. Can a man contend with you and win? Can a man battle with you and be victorious? You are good, and your mercies are forever and ever. Amen!

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