The Devil Is a Noise Maker

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on December 2, 2023

“While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” 2 Corinthians 4:18 (NKJV)

On a certain day, my husband said to me, “Do not dance to the tune of the devil.” I understood his words very clearly but it was in the midst of a very challenging situation. So I replied to him by saying, “The devil is playing loud music” Which in essence meant when the music is so loud it’s difficult not to dance. Then I also said, “I want to hear the tune that God is playing, so I can dance to it.” Immediately those words fell out of my mouth the Holy Spirit whispered to me, “Empty barrels make the most noise.”  These words lifted my spirit and made me realize one thing, the devil is a noise maker with absolutely no power. After the Holy Spirit ministered to me, I realized that loud music is usually not the best kind, a song can have slow beats and gentle rhythm and can still be extremely satisfying to the soul.

Beloved, you may have found yourself at that point in your life when you are thinking that everything is just going bad, maybe you are at that point in your life when everything seems to have the devil’s hands on it. My advice for you is, don’t dance to the noisy tune of the trouble maker, search for the voice of the Holy spirit, that soothing whisper, that comforting voice of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is with you and is always looking for you to reach out to Him so that He can help you. When you find this voice you have definitely found the solution to the problems weighing you down and the noise the devil is making will have absolutely no effect on you. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Leave the noise maker alone and focus on God the redeemer!

Confession for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father! I thank you because you are the all-powerful God and there is none comparable to you in all the earth. Though the devil may come with trials of afflictions, your love, mercy and grace is morning. You are my deliverer, my strong tower and my ever present help in time of need. Hallelujah!

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