The Connection Between Your Focus and Your Faith

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on July 3, 2023
Shallow focus photography of human eyes

“When he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying “Lord save me…” —Matthew 14:30 (NKJV)

Through the years, we have heard the teachings on how Peter walked on water but could not continue it till the end because he took his eyes off Jesus. We have heard that the reason Peter began to sink was that he began to consider the wind and removed his focus from Jesus, which is all true. But today, I want to take that revelation further. I want to share with you something the Holy Ghost pointed out to me as I pondered what transpired with Peter when he began to sink. At first, when Jesus Christ told him to come, Peter had faith in the master and in His words, so he stepped out of the boat based on that word, and he actually began to walk on water. But remember, before Peter began to walk on water, the wind was always there; it did not deter or hinder him from walking on water. He walked freely on that water unhindered until he began to see the wind and consider how boisterous the wind was. Letting us know that no matter the challenges that we go through in life, if we don’t put our focus there, they do not have the ability to stop us or hinder our progress. But the moment you begin to consider the problem, you give it the ability to sink you or hinder you. The Bible made us understand that as long Peter’s focus was on Jesus, he was unaffected by the wind, but when his focus shifted to the wind, it influenced Peter’s walk on water.

Now, you might say, Why did this happen? Well, it happened because when Peter’s focus was on Jesus, his faith was placed on Jesus, but when his focus shifted to the wind, his faith shifted to the wind. So because the wind was a bad influence, it influenced him in the wrong way and made him sink. Peter moved from the law of faith and lost his balance, and the law of gravity was immediately activated. In the same way, anytime you put your focus on the problems of life, you move away from the law of faith and invite earthly laws, which obviously come to work against you. 

Beloved, what you put your focus on, you end up putting faith in. When your focus is on the challenges of life, you are putting faith in that challenge instead of God, who has all it takes to pull you out of the challenge. If your focus is on that rent that has not been paid, your faith automatically goes there, and remember, faith is very powerful. So refuse to put your faith in life’s challenges through your focus. Make a conscious decision that you will take your eyes off that challenge and fix your gaze on Jesus and His words. If you do that, you deny the challenges of their ability to play a fast one on you. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

What you put your focus on, you end up putting faith in!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, heavenly father, I thank you for flooding my mind with a deeper understanding of faith. I declare this day that my focus will continually be on you and your word, and no matter how tough things might seem, my focus will continually be on you in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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