That Cup Will Pass Over You (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 8, 2024
sadness, depression, unhappy

“…if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours be done.” — Luke 22:42 (NKJV)

Sometimes, life’s situations can seem so tough that it feels like you will never make it out. But believe me, the cup will certainly pass over—it’s only a matter of time. You must always remember that God has got you covered. Just when the pressure increases, that’s often the moment when God’s miracle is about to manifest. So, choose to hold on and fight it out. Refuse to quit or back down. Stand firm and go to God in prayer.

When you look at what Jesus did at this difficult point in His life, He took time to pray. The Bible specifically says that He prayed earnestly, and that is what helped Him go through this stage of His life and emerge victorious. The Bible also declares that “an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him…” (Luke 22:43 NKJV). This means you, too, can receive strength during your trials if you pray and are patient for God to act.

You must understand that some situations need to play out so that God’s plan can be fulfilled in your life. A woman in labor does not pray for the labor to stop—she prays for the child to be born, because once the child is delivered, the labor ends. So, I encourage you today to stay strong and aim for your “delivery,” as that is what will bring an end to your labor. No matter how long the situation has lasted or might last, if you continue in prayer, trusting God for your breakthrough, the cup will surely pass over. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

A woman in labor does not pray for the labor to stop; she only prays for her child to be delivered, because once the child is delivered, the labor comes to an end!

Confession for the Day

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for these great words of encouragement. I thank You for reminding me that every situation has an end. Based on this, I receive strength to continue in prayer, and I declare that I conquer in every situation that comes my way. I win in all things because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Hallelujah!

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