Take Personal Fellowship with God Seriously (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday January 9, 2022

“….and when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there…”Matthew 14:23 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of taking your personal fellowship with God seriously, the big question some people might ask would be, how do I do this? Well, its simple! There are three major things you can do to help you maintain a lifestyle of consistent fellowship. First on the list is that you must take studies and hearing of the word of God seriously. Over the years, many of God’s people have neglected this but the truth is that, if you want to spend real time with God, then you should sit down and study the Bible and other christian materials. When you do this, you are actually spending time with God because the word of God is God Himself (John 1:1-2) and trust me, when you do this, you begin to grow spiritually and God will certainly begin to speak to you because you have given Him the opportunity to do so. So, it is important that you take studies of the word of God and hearing of the word of God seriously.

Secondly, another thing you can do is praying and fasting. Beloved, each time you decide to set yourself up to pray, what you are doing is that you are having a time of fellowship with the Lord and this is why you must be deliberate about it and consistent with it. When you do this often, you are giving the Lord room to teach you new things and bring you directions in life. No wonder, our Lord Jesus Christ said, “…men always ought to pray and not loose heart..” Luke 18:1 ( NKJV). Thirdly, you can spend time singing praises and worship songs to the Lord. This is another way you can fellowship with the Lord. When you do this often and deliberately, you are positioning yourself to continually be inspired by God. Therefore, you must make a conscious decision to always engage these three things. They are not the only ways in which you can have a time of fellowship with the Lord, but if you start with the three we have mentioned here so far, you will have a robust fellowship life with the Lord. So, start now and start early. If you are already doing  things, then step it up and just enjoy the luxury of spending time with the Lord. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

When you spend time studying, praying, fasting and singing praises to the Lord, you set yourself up for a glorious future!

Confession for the Day

By the power of the Holy Ghost, I decree that the hunger to have personal fellowship moments with the Lord, is activated in me and as I do, my life is moving from glory to glory in Jesus name. Amen!

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