Strive for Love Not Hate


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday April 25, 2022

love, died, cross

“…eagerly pursue and seek to acquire (this) love (make it your aim, your great quest)…”- 1 Corinthians 14:1b (AMPC)

Apostle Paul in his admonition to the church in Corinth, said pursue love. It was such a simple statement but yet profound and instructive because of the message that it communicates. In the world today, love has lost its place and hatred is taking over. Many are living every day of their lives pursuing self and not walking in love. This has gone a long way to affect relationships, destroy homes and even break many hearts. However, this is not the kind of life that God wants us to live as His believers and this was the understanding that Paul the Apostle had when he told the church in Corinth to strive for love. He knew this was lacking and it needed to be given attention. 

So, beloved, you must make a conscious decision to pursue love and walk in it always because this is your life. You don’t try to force it or push it; you just let it flow because this is who you are and what you have got. Many try to force themselves to walk in love and end up walking in pretense because they are not living it out; they are trying to work it out. However, you are not called to work it out, you are called to live it out and walk in it effortlessly. The God kind of Love that God has called us to live is a life and not a responsibility. So, make a conscious decision to pursue love and let it become a lifestyle. Run from anything that makes you walk in hatred. Our nature in Christ Jesus is a nature of love and not hatred.

Today’s Rhema 

Pursue love and let it become a lifestyle!

Confession for the Day 

Thank you my Lord and my Father for this wonderful counsel. I choose this day to pursue love and run from anything that will make me walk in hatred and as I do this, I am basking in the glory of God and swimming in love in Jesus name. Amen!

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