Stop Seeing What the Devil Is Doing

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 13, 2024
eye, iris, pupil

 “…be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God…” Philippians 4:6

A lot of times, when people reflect on their lives, all they see is what the devil is doing in their lives. They see the issues they are facing financially; they see the issues they are facing in their family and all the things going wrong in their lives. In most cases, they go as far as complaining and even comparing their lives with other people’s lives. They acknowledge what God is doing in other people’s lives, but they never see or acknowledge what God is doing in their lives. When you ask them, what is going on in their lives, they have nothing inspiring to say, because all they see are the things that are not working out in their lives. They fail to understand that as long as they continue on this path, they are discouraging the move of God’s Spirit in their lives. 

Beloved, if you truly want to continually experience the move of God’s Spirit and power in your life, you must learn to see what God is doing and not what the devil is doing. It is a very terrible thing when you acknowledge only what the devil is doing in your life. You must understand that when you acknowledge those things that have gone wrong in your life, you are depriving God of His glory and giving glory to the enemy. So, I encourage you today to desist from complaining, murmuring and counting your losses. I totally understand that sometimes, the pressure and tension may be high, but guess what, that is the best moment to think about all the wonderful things God has done in your life, praise Him for it and give thanks from the depth of your heart. Learn to thank God even in the pain, stress and pressure. When you do so, you are indirectly tossing aside the works of darkness and fulfilling the will of God, which says “…rejoice always, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you…”1 Thessalonians 5:16,18 (NKJV)

Today’s Rhema 

When you lose sight of what God is doing in your life and only acknowledge what the enemy is doing, you discourage the move of God’s Spirit in your life!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I thank you for all you have done for me and my family. I acknowledge your faithfulness, kindness and love towards us, and I say I am indeed grateful. I decree that henceforth; I shall only see what you are doing in my life and not what the enemy is doing in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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