Special in the Eyes of God


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday August 19, 2022

eye, close up, vision

“For, as we all know, He (Christ) did not take hold of angels (the fallen angels, to give them a helping hand and delivering hand) but He did take hold of the fallen (descendants of Abraham (to reach out to them a helping and delivering hand)” —Hebrews 2:16 (AMP)

The devil in his tricky nature will stop at nothing to make you believe that you are worthless. But you see, no matter what he tries to do, one thing is sure, you are special to God whether you believe it or not. God demonstrated this by sending His Son to pay the ultimate price for you. You can never deny that you are special to God. Saying otherwise would mean believing a lie. In the opening text we get to discover that it was not only man (Adam) that fell, angels also fell. There are angels, who disobeyed God, but God never sent His Son to redeem them. But for you and I, God stretched out His hand, to deliver us from the domain of darkness. Why us and not His angels? The answer is obvious. We are special to God, and He is concerned about everything that has to do with us. 

He seeks to save us, deliver us and help us because He wants to. Maybe you have never been told, but the price Jesus Christ paid for the world He did, because of you, and if you were the only one in the world, He would still have come for you. So, start recognizing your place in God, accept what Jesus has done for you and begin to freely enjoy the gifts that God has in store for you. Those who were before us–the prophets and kings since before the days of Abraham—waited for the promise and the redemption of the world. And though they never saw the promise fulfilled in their lifetime, they rejoiced and believed in it nonetheless. But we have received such great salvation, because God chose us to be a part of it. And He chose us because we are special to Him and He wants to use us to do special and unique things in the world. So, live in the consciousness of this truth and let it control your approach to life. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

God seeks to save us, help us and deliver us because we are special to Him!


Dear Father! I know I am special to you as Jesus is special; and I would not act otherwise. I take advantage of all that you have done for me knowing that I am loved by you and your love for me is forever more.

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeeeeeeennnn, iam super blessed in Jesus’s name. God bless you sir

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