Shut Out the Noise So You Can Hear God

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 27, 2024
Boy on the autism spectrum wearing noise cancelling headphones from the back in a big crowd created with AI generative tools

“…here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with me…” Revelations 3:20 (NIV)

Sometimes, we come to a place where we start thinking that God is no longer speaking to us, we conclude that God is now far from us but the question is, is that true? Is God far from us? Well, the answer is a big No. God is always with us and He is closer to us than we think. Interestingly, He is not only close to us but He is speaking to us every day, we are just the ones not hearing what He is saying. And the reason we are not hearing anymore is because we have allowed the voice outside to drown the voice of God in our lives. I know you might be surprised to hear this but the truth remains that the voice of God can be drowned in a man’s life. When the noise on the outside becomes too much, it will surely overshadow the voice of God. Unfortunately, this is where many of God’s people have found themselves. They live in this arena month in and month out, for some people this is where they have been living for several years and so their lives are bankrupt of divine guidance and direction. 

Beloved, if you will have a different experience, you must learn to shut out the noise so that you can hear God clearly in your life. Some time ago, God taught me a big lesson about this. I wanted to eat, so I decided to heat up my food. I placed it in the microwave and noticed something unusual. The microwave was on, but it did not make the normal sound. I usually rely on that sound to tell if it is working, but this time it was silent. Just as I was about to assume that the microwave was broken, the washing machine, which had also been running all this while, suddenly stopped as it had finished washing. Immediately the washing machine stopped, the droning sound of the microwave became audible. It turned out that the microwave had been working all this while but the sound of the washing machine overshadowed it. Then it occurred to me that as long as we are surrounded by noise, we may never be able to hear God.

Therefore, as you journey with God, make a conscious decision to shut every other noise out and focus on God. This is where fasting and prayer come into play, this is where you learn to just stay away from the crowd and sometimes focus on God and His word. When you are in the habit of doing this often, the voice of God will always be in dominion in your life. Hallelujah! 

Today’s Rhema

When you are in the habit of shutting the noise out, God’s voice will dominate in your life!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for this masterpiece, I choose this day to shut the noise out so that I can hear your voice clearly and as I do this, I am making the right decisions and taking the right actions in Jesus. Amen!

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