Let the Holy Spirit Lead (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday April 2, 2022

person standing near lake

“…as many that are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God…” John 1:12 (NKJV)

Having established the importance of letting the Holy Spirit lead, one might say, how do I do that and when I do, what exactly will the Holy Spirit do in my life? Well, it is simple. The first thing you need to do, is to yield yourself to His authority and recognize His dealings with you.  Before you make any major decision or choice in your life, yield yourself to Him and just pay attention to what He is saying. Sometimes, He may give you a revelation, at other times, He may give you an impression in your heart or even speak to you in a still small voice, but all in all He will bear witness with your Spirit, you will be able to know that what is happening with you is the leading of the Spirit. Now that you have yielded to the Holy Ghost, He will begin to show you the way out of issues and guide you in all truth. When you are faced with a difficult situation in your job place, He will show you the way out, when you are finding a particular subject difficult in your school, He will grant you the understanding. Remember, He is the Spirit of truth, the one who brings you the truth and gives you the ability to accept it as the truth.

Therefore, learn to let Him lead you in your life. When you find yourself in situations that tend to put pressure on you or try to make you look confused, reject it with all vehemence and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. You might say but how can I communicate with the Holy Spirit, and have Him hear me? It is very simple and easy, first you must understand that the Holy Spirit is a person. When you take a look at the above text in John 16:13, Jesus Christ said “…when He the Spirit of truth”. Take note, He used the word “He” not “it” indicating that the Spirit of God is a person. So if He is a person, it means He can hear you when you speak. All you need to do is believe in your heart that you have received Him into your life because the scripture says when you receive Jesus into your life, you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:8). So all you need to do now is to speak to Him in faith as someone who is right beside you. When you do that, He will hear you from the inside and begin to guide you. So be encouraged today and learn to follow the leading of the Holy Ghost. Remember, it is written, “…they that are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God” John 1:12 (NKJV)

Today’s Rhema

The man allows the Holy Spirit to lead, will never be confused or miss his path in life!

Confession for the Day

Dear Heavenly father, I thank you for giving me your Spirit to guide and lead me in all things; I thank you for the ministry that He has come to fulfill in my life, I will continue to yield myself to His leading and promptings in my life every day and as I do this, I am fruitful and productive in Jesus name. Amen!


  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeennnnn, oh I have been so blessed. Thank you sir God bless you.

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeennnnn, oh I have been so blessed. Thank you sir God bless you.

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