Restore Your Value and Passion for the House of God (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on February 12, 2024

“…I was glad when they said to me, “let us go into the house of the Lord”….” Psalm 122:1 (NKJV)
“I don’t think I will be coming to church today, I have somewhere going to or I have an appointment” “I can’t keep coming to church all the time, as I am a busy person” “I can only come to church once in a week because I have lots of other things that I have to do” These and many more, you will hear God’s people say when you ask them to come to church. They always have one excuse or the other to give and don’t see anything wrong. As far as they are concerned, the church is one of those places you go when you don’t have much to do. Unknown to them the church ought to be their main priority in life. Because this is where you go to know more about God whom you say you believe in. It is where you go to learn about the word of life and how to live in this world. It is a place you go to learn God’s ways. But they do not understand.
I am not against being busy. I am not against people going about their social life but when your social life takes the place of God and His righteousness that is the beginning of failure. So you must rekindle your value for the house of the Lord and not only so, commit to serving in the church where you attend. A lot of times, it may look as though these things do not matter, but trust me, they do matter and God is watching these things. Therefore, be encouraged to restore your passion for the house of the Lord. Doing this will take your walk with God to another level and most importantly, it will give you fulfilment. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

When passion for the house of God is restored, you enjoy the blessings that it offers!

Confession for the Day

Father, I am grateful for this wonderful truth, I choose this day to stir up my passion for the house of the Lord, and as I do so, I am growing spiritually and otherwise and breaking forward in all that concerns me in the name of Jesus. Amen!‭‭

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