Replace That Addiction with an Addiction (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on April 24, 2023
praying, bible, reading bible

“…if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed…” —John 8:36 (NKV)

In the first part of this article, we took the time to outline some of the possible ways in which you can conquer negative addictions. I know that some people may think it is not that easy, but the truth is that it takes decision and discipline. If you can work on these two things, you will certainly make some positive progress in this area. One of the challenges people face is that they want to get rid of that negative addiction but are not fully sure how. Yes, they want to stop, but they haven’t decided. Beloved, the decision you make, determines the victory you will enjoy in this area. If you can make the decision to always go to the scriptures, each time there is an urge to go in the path of that addiction, you will surely be victorious.

Now, while it is good to make a decision and have the right discipline, the final and most important thing you must do is not depend on your will. I am going to repeat that, do not depend on your will but on the grace of God. Beloved, no matter how strong your will may be, it cannot bring you results. What gives you results, is the grace of God. Lean on His grace and let Him know that you are leaning on His grace, and the power of grace will envelope your life, strengthen you, and cause you to walk in victory over all kinds of negative addictions. Stop thinking you have disappointed God, He still loves you, and He does love you, even with the way you are. So put your focus on getting rid of that addiction using God’s word and His grace. Stop struggling with it, and flow with the Spirit of God. “…Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts…” Romans 13:14 (NKJV). If you will diligently implement these steps that we have outlined here, you will surely conquer that negative addiction forever. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Don’t depend on your will to have victory over a negative addiction; depend on grace!

Confession for the Day

Gracious father I thank you for teaching me your word and bringing to me deep, secret truths that conquer all things. I declare that I will continually depend on the power of your grace for victory over all circumstances of life, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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