Refuse to Be Lukewarm in Your Christian Walk (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday February 18, 2023

Thermometer 41ºC/106ºF

“….I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth…” Revelation 3:15-16 (NIV) 

One of the growing trends amongst many believers today is that they have received Jesus into their lives quite alright, but they are not firebrand believers. They are just satisfied with being a lukewarm Christian, but the question is, is this the kind of life God has called us to live? Well, the answer is a big No! Beloved, you must understand that God does not want us to be neither hot nor cold. He does not want us to be lukewarm, instead He wants us to pick a side and that is the side of being a fire branded believer. He wants us to choose not just to be a Christian, but one who is fire branded and tongue talking. Let me give you a little story that I believe will inspire you a great deal.

Years ago, while I was growing up, I enjoyed a certain fantasy of being a Muslim by birth and a young church goer. I thought I could have them both. I was neither deep into Christianity or Islam, but when I was asked which religion I belonged to I would say to them, “Chris-lam”. This, I felt, gave me an identity as a Christian and a Muslim. But that kept me in a place of ignorance and powerlessness. I didn’t know my left from my right. I was walking in error and I thought, I was doing the right thing, why? Because I was neither hot nor cold. However, as I grew in my knowledge of God’s word, I began to understand God’s stand concerning whom we belong and where we stand in our faith. Beloved, you are to either choose to be a Christian or not. You can’t be both. It can’t be one leg in and one leg out. You can’t be lukewarm, you can’t be in between. You cannot want to worship the idols of your father’s house and at the same time claim, you are a Christian at heart. It won’t work. It’s true that God has given us the opportunity to make our own choice, but you must use this privilege to choose one side or the other, you can’t be indecisive. When you make the decision to be all in for Jesus, you will become a burning and a shining light and your light will attract great people and give life to them. And your life will not only be preserved in this age, it will also be preserved in the life to come. Therefore, be encouraged today to become a fire branded believer who has decided to be all in with Jesus. Hallelujah!

Today’s Rhema

You can’t be on the fence, you need to choose to be all in for Jesus!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for your love and teachings, I choose this day to be a fire branded believer. I refuse to be a passive Christian. I choose to be a burning and a shining light and through me, many are receiving the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and getting saved in Jesus name. Amen!

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