“….there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit….”Romans 8:1 (NKJV)

As a child of God, one of the things the devil will always use to taunt you and make you restless is condemnation. He will stop at nothing to ensure that you live each day of your life feeling condemned. He will bring to your mind all the wrong things that you have done and make you feel you are not righteous or qualified to stand before God or even speak to God. But you must fight to use God’s word to counter his lies. Always remember that whatever the devil says to you is never the truth. It is God’s word that is the truth. Therefore, you must learn to use God’s word which is the truth to counter the lies of the devil. Don’t give him the opportunity to invade your peace and start reminding you of your past mistakes. Because whatever it is that happened in the past is all in the past now. As long as you have spoken to God and repented of it, it is in the past now and God does not remember it anymore. He has said in His word that the sins and lawless deed of His people He will remember no more (Hebrews 10:16-18). So if the devil tries to use your mistake against you, say to him, even God does not use my mistakes against me, so go from me in the name of Jesus.

Don’t come to that place where you will be dying in silence as a result of what the devil is reminding you about. Come out of that place, and embrace the grace of God that is in Christ Jesus. The Bible says “…who will accuse God’s chosen people? God himself declares them not guilty…” Romans 8:33 (GNB). If God already declares you not guilty because of your identity in Christ Jesus, who can say you are guilty? Certainly nobody. So I want to encourage you today to live your life free of condemnation. If you keep condemning yourself, it means your trust is more on what the devil is saying to you than what God has said to you. So trust in God’s word and be free. It is true that you did something wrong, it is true that you crossed the line, it is true you stumbled in the word, but now that you have said to God that you are sorry and you repent of your mistakes. It is over, God has wiped your record clean. Move on with your life and don’t dwell on those mistakes or go back to them again in your heart. Enjoy your liberty in Christ Jesus. Praise God!


Condemnation is a sign of trust in the power of your mistake than in the forgiving power of God!


Thank you, Heavenly Father, for teaching me your word and reminding me of what your word has said concerning me. I thank you for declaring me not guilty in Christ Jesus. I declare this day that every form of guilt and condemnation is removed from my life and replaced with the liberty that is in Christ Jesus. Praise God!


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