Reflect on Your Relationship with Jesus


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday December 22, 2023

A Man praying holding a Holy Bible.

“…If you love Me, keep my commandments…” John 14:15 (NKJV)

As the Christmas celebration draws near, there is a lot of excitement in the air and many of God’s people just want to have fun and enjoy the season. But you see, while you are in the mood to celebrate and spend time with family and friends, it is important that you reflect on your relationship with Jesus. Usually, this is the last thing on people’s minds this season. But come to think of it, Christmas celebration is all about Jesus and His finished work. If you are celebrating Christmas and your relationship with Jesus is not in order, that celebration will be an empty one. Remember, if you are celebrating His birth and you haven’t yet embraced the reality of why He came, then the purpose of your celebration is defeated.

I’m not against you celebrating Christmas with family and friends, but as you celebrate, you should review your relationship with Jesus. Has it been a close relationship or a distant one? Has it been a serious relationship or an unserious one? Has it been one that Jesus can commend you for or it has been such that is not satisfying at all? Beloved, I want to encourage you to carefully think about this truth. Make up your mind that you will not celebrate this Christmas with an unserious relationship with Jesus. Whatever you need to do to strengthen your relationship with Jesus has to be done now. The days of giving excuses are over. Now, God expects you to buckle up and take your relationship with Jesus seriously because at the end of the day, that is the secret that can actually change your life and add value to your life. Interestingly, when you begin to ponder on your relationship with Jesus, He will begin to reveal to you areas that you need to improve upon. And just in case, you are reading this article, and you haven’t received Jesus into your life as Lord the Lord of your life, you should consider doing that by simply, believing in His death, burial and resurrection and asking Him to come into your life. As simple as that might sound, it can literally change your life forever. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

As you celebrate Christmas, reflect more on your relationship with Jesus!

Confession for the Day 

Today, I have received the truth and the light of God’s word has shined in my heart. I choose to take my relationship with Jesus seriously, as I do so, I am improving by the day and making giant strides in my relationship with Jesus. Praise God!

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