Recognize, Utilize and Maximize Your Opportunities (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday November 16, 2022
bridge, tunnel, door

“…make good use of every opportunity you have…” Ephesians 5:16 (GNT)

One thing I love so much about God is that He loads us with benefits on a regular basis (Psalms 68:19) and some of these benefits come in the form of opportunities. God loves to give us opportunities time and again. But I discovered that with every opportunity that He brings to us, He also gives us the responsibility utilize or maximize it. Sadly, what happens today is that many of God’s people want God to give them opportunities and also help them utilize them. This is why so many people have had wonderful opportunities to do big things or go to the next level of their lives but have remained where they were before the opportunity came. Why? Because they want God to do everything for them. 

Beloved, I want to encourage you today to learn to watch out for the opportunities that God brings your way and maximize them. Within every opportunity comes many more opportunities but you need to pay attention to the one you have so can you see the others that are hidden in it. Every opportunity God brings your way has the potential to turn into something very big but if that will happen, you have to play your role well. Stop waiting for God to do something more in your life. The more you require, is hidden in the little you have now. Put that little to work and watch more come out it. This is what farmers understand that makes them keep getting a harvest every year. They know that all the harvest they need is in the little that they have. So, they put to good use the little they have because they have come to understand the potentials of their seedlings. In the same way, if you want to see a major harvest in your life, make a conscious decision to recognize your opportunities and utilize them. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

If you want to see a major harvest in your life, make a conscious decision to recognize your opportunities and utilize them!

Confession for the Day 

Glorious and ever-living Father, I thank you for this wonderful truth you have shared with me today. By the power of God’s Spirit, I receive wisdom to recognize my opportunities and put them to good use in the name of Jesus. Amen

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