Provision in Christ Jesus Is Your Inheritance (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday March 12, 2024

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“…I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture…” John 10:9 (NKJV)

When God’s people read the statement made by our Lord Jesus Christ in our opening text, they find it difficult to believe it but the question is, when our Lord Jesus Christ made that statement? Was He lying or joking? Well, I can assure you that He did none of that, instead, He was serious about what He said because that is the reality of our union with Him. It is your responsibility to believe the statement and embrace the truth. Let me explain! As a child of God, the day you received Jesus into your life, you did not only make Jesus the Lord of your life but also you made Him your provision. Do not allow situations or anybody to make you think otherwise. Sometimes, things might look rough and tough on the outside but do not give in to the seemingly difficult situation because it doesn’t change the truth, all you need do is to see Jesus as your provision and He becomes that to you. 

The reason Jesus Christ specifically said you shall go in and out and find pasture is that He knew that a time would come when many will go in and out and will not find pasture, so He decided to speak of this truth ahead of time so that when that dispensation comes which is now, it will be easy for you to scale truly as a Christian. Therefore, become conscious of this truth. Whatever hardship that is in the world, is certainly not for you who is in Christ. As a born-again, you are different, no matter the condition you find yourself. Put your trust in Him and see Him as your provision and that is what you shall have. Now, this does not mean you should fold your hands and do nothing, you won’t be able to tap into the provision like that. You are expected to take action and venture into activities where the grace will work on and you will unlock the provision that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke about. Hallelujah! 

Today’s Rhema

If you see Jesus as your source and provision, that is what He will be to you!

Confession for the Day

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I refuse to lack any good thing in life, I reject poverty with all vehemence. Wherever I go, and in whatever I do, I find pasture, I don’t struggle for it, I just find it because Jesus Christ is my provision, Yea I have a goodly heritage.

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