Rejoice always, pray without ceasing… — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 (NKJV)
It’s one thing to write down your vision for the year, another thing to pursue it, but most importantly, you must pray over it. Without prayer, the chances of that vision coming to fruition are slim. You might ask, “Why?” I’ll explain.
When a person has a vision, it doesn’t come to pass without opposition. While you may be excited about your plans, the devil is not. He knows that if you succeed, your life will be better, so he will do all he can to frustrate that vision and make you think it was never meant to be. Many have abandoned their dreams because of this very challenge.
This is why prayer is crucial. When you make it a habit to pray over your vision consistently, no matter what the enemy tries to do, he will not prevail. Prayer is your advantage over the devil. A person of prayer becomes an obstacle to the enemy’s plans—his schemes will always be thwarted. If you cultivate a disciplined prayer life, you will keep the enemy at bay. So, make a conscious decision to pray over the visions you have for this year.
Another reason to pray over your vision is that prayer keeps you inspired and motivated to take action. It also opens your heart to divine ideas necessary for achieving your goals. More importantly, prayer amplifies your efforts, connects you with the right people, and leads you to valuable opportunities. For these reasons, praying over your vision is not optional—it is essential. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Men always ought to pray and not to lose heart.” — Luke 18:1 (NKJV).
Make prayer a core part of your agenda this year, and watch your life move forward in remarkable ways. Hallelujah!
Today’s Rhema
A vision that receives prayers regularly can never die; it will flourish in a dynamic way!
Confession for the Day
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the vision You have placed in my heart this year. I decree that the spirit of prayer takes hold of me now, and as I pray, my vision is coming to pass in the name of Jesus. Amen!