Pray Early (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday July 18, 2023

A Man praying holding a Holy Bible.

“…what! Could you not watch with Me for one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation…” —Matthew 26:40 (NKJV)

A very important lesson I learnt from the account of Jesus and His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane is that prayers for the affairs of our lives ought to be offered early to avoid praying under pressure or becoming victims of the circumstances of life. The crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ was already drawing near, and He felt the need to pray, so He took His disciples to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. But they were too tired and sleepy to pray. 

So when He came back from where He went to pray, He saw them sleeping, and then He said to them, “…could you not watch with Me one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation…” Matthew 26:40 (NKJV) He encouraged them to pray now so that they wouldn’t fall into temptation and be true to His word. When that temptation came, Peter, who was one of the disciples, fell into it because He was too sleepy to pray. If he had prayed early enough, maybe he wouldn’t have fallen into that temptation. The same applies to us today, if we pray early, there are situations that will be avoided and embarrassments that will not come up. If we pray early, there are difficulties we will not fall into and sicknesses that will not come to us. Therefore, it is important that, as a Christian, you choose to pray early enough because today’s prayers, take care of tomorrow’s business and put it in place. 

Today’s Rhema 

Today’s prayer takes care of tomorrow’s business and puts things in place!

Confession for the Day 

Glorious and everliving Father, I am grateful for this wonderful truth that you have communicated to me. I choose therefore to pray early, and as I do, my future is taken care of and nothing will take me by surprise in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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