Plant Righteousness, and Reap Mercy


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday August 24, 2022

person holding stack of wheat

“…sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy…” Hosea 10:12 (NKJV)

As believers we received the nature of righteousness as a gift when we received Jesus into our lives (Romans 5:17). Now, this righteousness which we have received is the righteousness of God, it is the nature of God in us that enables us to stand before God without guilt or shame. It is the nature of God in us that makes us do things right and live right. Our responsibility now is to live in the consciousness of this nature which we have received and plant seeds of righteousness in all that we do and everywhere we go. The reason is that when you plant seeds of righteousness, there is a reward, which is mercy. And when mercy is released, you will find grace to use in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). So, you see that there is great benefit when you sow the seeds of righteousness. But remember, when we talk about sowing seeds of righteousness here, we are not saying this is what you must do to be in right standing with God. You are already made right with God through your belief in the finished works of Jesus Christ and that is the reason you received the gift of righteousness in the first place. So then, you need to bear the fruits of this nature of righteousness because you already have the nature in you.

So, I admonish you to take advantage of this truth and align yourself with this reality. Make a conscious decision to sow seeds of righteousness in your family, workplace and society at large and watch mercy speak for you in ways you never imagined. You might say, but how do I sow the seeds of righteousness? Well, it’s simple. Start by believing God’s counsel and promises. The Bible spoke to us about Papa Abraham, how God made a promise to him and He believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness (Romans 4:3). So, start with your belief system, because your belief system will impact your thought process and your thought process will impact your words and your actions. When you plant seeds by believing the counsel and promises of God, it will impact every other thing that concerns you. From your words to your actions, everything will go in the right direction and when these seeds of righteousness are sown, the Bible according to our opening text, says you will reap in mercy (Hosea 10:12).

So, what are you waiting for? Get to the word today and equip yourself with the word of God because it is the key that changes everything. Hallelujah!  

Today’s Rhema

When you believe the counsel and promises of God, you are planting righteousness and you will reap in mercy!

Confession for the Day

Father, I thank you for this impactful message today. I am grateful for the gift of righteousness which you have given to me, I decree that all that I do reflects the righteousness of God and the mercy of God is speaking for me in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeeeen, I have been super blessed. Thank you sir.God bless you

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