Pay Attention, God Is Speaking (2)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday July 21, 2023
Bible Study

“…when Moses entered the Tent of the Meeting to speak to God, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two angel-cherubim…” —Numbers 7:89 (MSG)

Previously on this subject, we debunked the idea that God does not speak to us. We discovered that God indeed speaks to us, and we only need to pay more attention so that we can hear Him speak. Now, we will be looking at some steps you can take that will help you hear God clearly. If you truly want to hear God speak to you, it can happen, but there are a few things you must do. 

First of all, you must be deliberate about it. This means you have to make time to seek a quiet place where you are settled inside of yourself to be able to hear from God. 

Secondly, you must study the Word of God relentlessly. It is one of the easiest ways to hear from God. The Scriptures contain God’s Words and thoughts. If you study regularly, you will discover what God has said, and He can speak to you through the words you are reading. 

Thirdly, you must pay attention to your visions and dreams, because God speaks through these means too. Our Father in Heaven will not always speak in an audible voice; it could be through images, dreams, or visions. Therefore, watch out for it, for it is written, “…at night when people are asleep, God speaks in dreams and visions…” Job 33:15. 

So I encourage you to be more attentive because God is speaking and can speak to you through any means, and He is not limited in the ways He speaks to us. It could be through any means, which can range from someone speaking God’s Word to us to impressing upon our hearts a burden or even giving us an understanding of certain things or situations. All that is required of you is to pay attention because He is speaking. So get ready to hear from God today, because He is speaking right now. God bless you! 

Today’s Rhema 

God is speaking and can speak to you through any means, and He is not limited to the way He speaks to us. 

Confession for the Day 

Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for helping me understand that you are still speaking. I declare this day that the ability to hear and understand your voice is activated in me, and I will not delay in carrying out your instructions in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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