Pay Attention; God Is Speaking (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday July 20, 2023

Attention Please

“…when Moses entered the Tent of the Meeting to speak to God, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two angel-cherubim….” —Numbers 7:89 (MSG)

“Oh, God! I need you to speak to me” “I don’t know why God is not speaking to me” I have never heard the voice of God speak to me since I became born again” These and many more you will hear God’s children say and they say it with ignorance not knowing that God is speaking to them on a daily basis. Beloved, as a child of God, there are certain things you must settle about God in your heart and one of those things is that God speaks to us every day. Our God is a speaking God who is very much interested in speaking to us than we are interested in listening. All through the scriptures, you find that everyone God dealt with from Adam to Abraham to Moses and the rest of them, God spoke to them regularly and they heard God’s voice. 

So if God could do that those days, then your case will not be different. All that you need to do is realize that God is a speaking God and He wants to speak to you. You might say, but if truly God is speaking to me or wants to speak to me, how come I am not hearing Him? Well, a lot of times, the reason is because people are not paying attention and they are not spiritually grown. So even when God speaks, either they didn’t realize that was God speaking or they just did not hear Him speak, which is why, the Bible says “…God speaks again and again, no one pays attention to what he says…” Job 33:14 (GNB). Most people are not hearing God speak to them because they are not paying attention or listening. They are so busy on the inside that they don’t recognize it when God speaks to them. They give attention to every other thing else except God. But as a child of God, you can change this. All you need to do is, stop thinking you cannot hear God or that God is not speaking. Instead, calm down and pay more attention, and you will surely hear God speak to you. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

If you will calm down and pay more attention, you will surely hear God speak to you clearly!

Confession for the Day 

Father, I am grateful for this timely truth, I declare that the grace to be calm and to pay attention to you is at work in me and as I do this, I am hearing you clearly every day of my life in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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