Patiently Walk with God (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Sunday September 24, 2023

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“…rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him…” —Psalms 37:7 (NKJV)

Like we outlined in the first part of this article, many people have stopped following Jesus and abandoned their faith because they were not patient enough to let God’s plan for their lives unfold. Many have come to the conclusion that the word does not work but the truth remains that these are all lies that the devil has made them to believe and unfortunately, they gave in to these lies and forsook their mercy. However, this is the reason you, as a believer, must make a conscious decision to walk with God patiently. You must understand that when you are dealing with God, you go according to His timing and not your timing. God is not your errand boy; He is your God and your king. Therefore, you must learn to patiently wait for His plans and purpose to unfold in your life. Now, this is where love comes into play. When your purpose of following God has its root in love for Him, there is nothing anybody will do to you in church that will make you leave or abandon the faith. There is nothing you will ever face that will make you change your confession or beliefs. 

Sometimes I feel very sorry for people who make a decision to stay away from God because of what they think they are going through or have been through. It is the biggest mistake a man will ever make because staying away from God is like staying away from your life and the results are not always pleasant. So I admonish you today to be patient in your walk with God and not base your relationship with God on material gains. Do not allow the things that you have or do not have to define your relationship with God but rather let God’s love, which has been shed abroad in your heart (Romans 5:5), be your propelling force in all that you do with God. Believe me, walking with God can be fruitful if you walk with patience and base your relationship with God on love and not on the things you want to gain. The Bible clearly lets us know that we should “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you…” Matthew 6:33 meaning that if your passion is for God and His righteousness, all other things that you require will certainly come to you but you must be patient in your walk with God. God bless you!

Today’s Rhema

If the reason you are following God is because of your love for Him, you will always find yourself patient in whatever you do with Him and in His vineyard.

Confession for the Day

All powerful and Ever Living Father, I thank you for nourishing me with your word today and for bringing clarity into my life. I declare that my walk with you will continually be that of a selfless one and not a selfish one because I operate from a place of love and love is producing patience in me at every point in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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