Our God Is Spirit

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on October 21, 2022
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“…God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth…” John 4:24 (NKJV)

As we continue on our journey with God, one truth that we must always strive to keep at the forefront of everything we do with and for God is that God is Spirit. If you take a look at the opening scripture, the Bible does not say God is a spirit, because that would mean that He is one of the spirits you find out there. Rather, it says, “God is Spirit” meaning He is the Father of spirits (Hebrews 12:9 NKJV) The significance of this is that a man who has no revelation of this truth will walk with God carnally and will never receive anything from God. He will deal with God as though he is dealing with a man, and this explains why many people have walked with God for several years and there is nothing to show for it.

Beloved, you must recognize God as Spirit and approach Him accordingly. First, you must make up your mind to respond to God and His Word with your spirit and not your senses. God cannot be found in the place of the senses, which is why you have to arm yourself with this knowledge to follow God in spirit and in truth. Secondly, you must learn to receive from God by the Spirit and not the senses. Don’t try to receive from God the way you would receive from a man. With man, you receive with your hands, but with God you receive first in your spirit before it enters into your hands.

Many people do not receive from God because they are attempting to receive from God in the same way that they would receive from man, which does not work. The Bible tells us of how God visited Solomon in a dream and asked him what he wanted. So Solomon asked for an understanding heart to judge God’s people, and God granted it. When Solomon awoke, he realized it had been a dream. And he went to Jerusalem, stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord and offered up burnt offerings (scripture reference: 1 Kings 3:1-15), signifying that he understood that he had just received divine visitation; and the way to seal up what God had promised was to give an offering. In the same way God reached out to Solomon, there are lots of people whom God has tried to reach out to like this, but they didn’t understand what God was trying to do or give to them. Why? Because they don’t understand how to receive from God, but Solomon knew how and claimed his blessings.

I want to encourage you today to walk with the reality of this truth, knowing that God is not a man but Spirit. If you relate with Him like this in every area of your life, results will abound like never before. God bless you.

Today’s Rhema

God is not a Spirit but Spirit

Confession for the Day

All-powerful and Ever-living Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Father of Spirits and the Father of the spirits of all flesh, I praise your Name because today my revelation of you has gone deeper. I will live the rest of my life functioning in this truth and living the glorious life in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

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