Operate from the Realms of Faith

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on March 9, 2022
Shallow focus photography of human eyes

“…Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony…” Hebrews 11:1‭-‬2 (NKJV)

As far as this world is concerned, you must understand that there are different realms that exist. There is the realm of the senses, and there is the realm of faith. The realm of the senses, is the realm where you operate based on what your physical senses can see, feel, hear or perceive. But the realm of faith, is the realm where you operate by what God has said and has made available to you in Christ Jesus. In other words, it is the realm where you don’t move by your physical senses but by the Word of God. The question is, as a believer, where do you operate from? The realm of the faith or the realm of the senses? 

As simple as this question might sound, it holds the key to moving from one level of glory to another. Therefore, you must settle in your heart, where you are going to operate from. You have to choose to either operate from the realms of faith or the senses. Interestingly, if you are not operating from the realms of faith, you are automatically operating from the realms of the senses and if this is the realm you are operating from, you will face a lot of difficulties and impossible situations. However, if you choose to operate from the realms of faith – that is going by God’s word and acting on them, you will discover that the difficult situations that come your way will be bread for you. You will find yourself scaling through difficult situations because you are operating from a realm that subdues this world. The Bible says, “…the conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith…” 1 John 5:4‭-‬5 (MSG). So, choose this day to operate from the realm of faith.

Today’s Rhema

When you operate from the realm of faith, you will scale through many difficulties!

Confession for the Day

Glorious and ever living Father, I am grateful for your counsel today. I choose this day to operate from the realms of faith and as I do, I subdue situations and I walk in victory in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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