Only the Blood of Jesus Cleanses Sins


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Friday April 14, 2023

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“…and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son, cleanses us from all sin…” —1 John 1:7b (NKJV)

We are living in a world today that has terribly perverted the truth. So you find all kinds of information that mislead people and cause them to walk in error again and again. For example, some people have been taught that a man’s sin can be cleansed when he washes in certain rivers or is bathed in the blood of an animal. Others have been taught that after a prolonged number of days of fasting and prayers, sins will be forgiven, while others don’t really care whether their sins are cleansed or not. As far as they are concerned, there is nothing to be cleansed of. Well, I have got news concerning this. Sin is a spiritual thing, a nature, and a spiritual condition that cannot be cleaned or removed by water, the blood of an animal, or prolonged days of fasting because it is stronger than these. 

Bathing in all the rivers in the world will not cleanse sins. There is nothing you do in the flesh that cleanses sin, because sin, as I said earlier, is a spiritual thing, a nature, and a spiritual condition. It is

It is true that in the old days, the Israelites were given a law to use the blood of an animal to atone for their sins, but that was only a temporary solution because the blood of an animal could not get rid of sin. It was only able to cover sin for one year, and afterward, another blood sacrifice was needed. But God had promised to provide a  permanent solution in the person of Jesus Christ, who would be the perfect Lamb of God to die for the sins of all mankind. So, the Bible declares that “…Christ suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God…” 1 Peter 3:18, “for the death that He died, He died to sin once for all…” (Romans 6:10) So by that, those who believe in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior, are sanctified through the offering of the blood of Jesus Christ once and for all (Hebrews 10:10). Why? Because only the blood of Jesus was qualified to wash away our sins (Matthew 26:28). So, I admonish you today, do not fall for the wrong teachings out there. If you have received Jesus into your life, your sins have been washed away, but if you have not received Jesus into your life, this is your opportunity to accept the free gift of salvation and get your sins washed away. You do not have to punish yourself, go to any river, or cut yourself to receive the remission of sins. The price has already been paid. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Sin is a spiritual thing, a nature, and a spiritual condition that cannot be cleansed or removed by water, the blood of an animal, or prolonged days of fasting but by the blood of Jesus Christ!

Confession for the Day

Thank you, heavenly Father, for sending your Son, Jesus Christ to wash me clean in His blood. I embrace the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, and I appropriate this truth in every area of my life in the Name of Jesus. Amen!

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