Mix Up with the Right People


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday August 29, 2023

Two black race friends having fun with mobile.

…I do not keep company with worthless people; I have nothing to do with hypocrites. I hate the company of the evil and avoid the wicked…” Psalm 26:4‭-‬5 (GNT)

As a believer, do you know that you should be mindful of the people you mix with? Are you aware that not everyone can be friends with you? Well, just in case you do not know, I am telling you now. Beloved, if you are going to have a glorious walk with God, you must make a conscious decision to become mindful of your association. We cannot stress this enough. 

Sometimes, when we speak about this, some of God’s people do not seem to understand why we speak like this. But the truth remains that, we are not trying to segregate here, we are only trying to help you understand the kind of relationship that you should keep. There are people today who are not of the same faith as you, and the way they approach situations is different. When you are trying to approach your situation in prayer and faith, they don’t think that is the right thing you should be doing. In most cases, they laugh at you, and if you are not careful, you could begin to give in to their mockery. Many have lost their faith and spiritual fervour like this, and unconsciously they begin to lag behind in the things of God which ought not to be so. As a believer, you must understand that there are associations that are not good for you. When you begin to mix up with people who don’t believe in what you believe in and approach situations as prescribed to us in the scriptures, you will lose grip of the things of God and if caution is not taken, you could end up walking out of the faith.

So I encourage you today, to become mindful of the people you mix up with. Don’t say I am strong enough to influence them, if you tarry long with them, you may join them in the long. Papa God knew how powerful associations are and He said to the Israelites, “…do not follow the practices of the people of Egypt, where you once lived, or of the people in the land of Canaan, where I am now taking you. Obey my laws and do what I command. I am the Lord your God. Follow the practices and the laws that I give you; you will save your life by doing so. I am the Lord…”Leviticus 18:3‭-‬5 (GNT). Did you see that? Therefore, be guided and become mindful of the people you are mixing up with, if you are truly going to continue with God.

Today’s Rhema 

Deliberately work on the people you are mixing up with, because they determine what becomes of you!

Confession for the Day 

The word of God brings light; therefore, I receive light today into my understanding. I choose to become mindful of my association. I decree that, by the mercy of God, only the right people will come my way in Jesus name. Amen!

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