Manage God’s Blessings in Your Life (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday March 15, 2023

Person holding a green plant

“…and there wasted his possessions on prodigal living…” – Luke 15:13 (NKJV)

In the first part of this article, we established the importance of managing God’s blessings in your life. Now, someone might be wondering and saying, “is it not my blessing? Don’t I have the right to do anything I want to do with the blessing? Well, the fact that it is your blessing, doesn’t mean that you should squander it or waste it with riotous living like the prodigal son. As a matter of fact, the reason you must manage abundance is that when it is wasted, it can be very costly. Many have lost their lives and properties because they could not manage what God gave to them. Many have fallen into all kinds of troubles because they couldn’t manage the blessings of God in their lives. Instead, they blame God for their misfortune which ought not to be so. So make a conscious decision today to use God’s blessings in your life wisely. Don’t spend carelessly but wisely. 

Always think about tomorrow and know that what you have right now was given to you so that you can have it tomorrow. Amongst God’s people today, you discover that there is a lot of suffering and struggling because at one time or another when they were blessed they wasted it and now that opportunity is gone. Be wise and know the right thing to do. The prodigal son spent carelessly and did not plan for the future. So when the future came, it took him unaware. This will not be your portion, if only you will hearken to these things right now and begin to plan with every blessing that comes your way. Therefore, begin your day today by planning what you will do with the blessings of God that have come to you so far because when that opportunity came to you, it did not come to secure the moment but the future.Administrate God’s blessings in your life wisely and refuse to be a victim of reckless spending.


The blessings of God in your life did not come to secure the moment but tomorrow!

Confession for the Day

Heavenly Father, I thank you for opening my mind to understand the truth in your word. I declare that with this knowledge I have received today concerning abundance management, I prophesy that every blessing that comes my way, will be greatly managed by the leading of your Spirit and my life will move from glory to glory. Hallelujah!

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