Make Your Heart a Fruitful Ground


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Tuesday July 19, 2022

hands, soil, plant

“….Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life….”Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV)

As a believer, the overall outcome of your life is completely dependent on the condition of your heart. The condition of your heart is what powers what happens in your life. If the condition of your heart is in a poor state, then nothing much will take place In your life but if the condition of your heart is in a rich state, then your life will be full of bliss and glory. So, on the basis of this, it is important that you learn to guard your heart with all diligence  according to the counsel given to it in the book of Proverbs 4:23 and make it a fruitful ground.

The question then will be, what does it mean for your heart to be a fruitful ground and how do you make your heart a fruitful ground? Well, it is simple! What makes the heart of a man a fruitful ground, are the seeds sown into the heart. If the seeds are good, then the outcome of the man’s life will be good. For example, if the seeds of love, joy, peace and encouragement are allowed into the heart, then it will produce the fruits of love, joy, peace and the likes of it. But if the seeds allowed into the heart is hatred, that’s the kind of fruit that will be produced. So, to make the heart a fruitful ground, you must make a conscious decision to guard your heart with all diligence and refuse to allow the wrong seeds in. Instead, deliberately sow the seeds of the word of God into your heart on a regular basis. If you can do this, God’s word will flourish mightily in your life and produce the fruits of what it talks about in your life.

Today’s Rhema

As long as you will allow the right seeds in your heart, it will produce for you the right fruits!

Confession for the Day

Glorious and everliving father, I thank you for feeding me with your word today. I choose this day to guard my heart with all diligence and by the power of the Holy Spirit, no negative seed shall gain roots in my heart in the name of Jesus

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