Magnify Spiritual Counsel (1)

By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on January 14, 2024
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“…Son of man, receive into your heart all my words that I speak to you and hear with your ears…”- Ezekiel 3:10 (NKJV)

As a Christian, how much value do you have for spiritual counsel? What do you do, when you receive counsel from a spiritual authority? Do you ignore it or take it seriously? The trend amongst many of God’s people today is that they don’t take spiritual counsel seriously. They ignore it or treat it as nothing. However, you must understand that what you give value to ultimately appreciates in your life and benefits you in so many ways, but what you don’t give value to certainly will not add value to your life. So, the question is, how have you been treating spiritual counsel in your life? Have you been giving it the attention that it deserves?

Beloved, If you must succeed in this world and live a victorious life, counsel is one thing you must give value to. The Bible lets us know in Proverbs 11:14 that “where there is no counsel, the people fall, but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety” meaning that counsel is a very important thing in the life of every man. Anyone who wants to live a life of upward and forward movement must learn not only to receive counsel but to value it when it is given. It is the key to greatness and success. You can never know it all; it pays to add to what you already know. When you take a look at the above scriptures in Proverbs 11:14, it says “where there is no counsel, the people fall…” If you don’t want to fall but stand in life, then you must go for counsel and treat it with great value.

Today’s Rhema

If you give spiritual counsel an important place in your life, be rest assured that you will never fail nor fall!

Confession for the Day 

Today, I have received a wonderful truth, therefore I choose to give spiritual counsel a very important place in my life and the wisdom to take necessary actions is activated in me in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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