Let Jesus Increase in Your Life


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Saturday September 17, 2022

Person holding a green plant

“…he must increase, but I must decrease…” John 3:30 (NKJV)

In our opening text, John made a very simple but yet profound statement which is worthy of serious considerations. Before Jesus Christ came on the scene, the man everybody knew was John. He was known for his radical sermons and water baptism. But when Jesus Christ came into the picture, he began to point everyone to Jesus. He started telling them that this is the one whom he has been speaking about. So he said he must increase but I must decrease. Now when it comes to our walk with Jesus, we can relate that same statement to ourselves. Let Him increase and let us decrease. You might say but how? 

Well, it’s simple! Sometimes in our lives, we always want to have it our own way, we want to do things the way we want it and that is a manifestation of self. Self always wants it, its own way and does not want to submit to the Lordship of Jesus and His word. So to conquer self, Jesus must increase while we decrease. Our selfish desires must decrease while Jesus increases in our lives. Sometimes, we find ourselves wanting to watch movies when we are supposed to be studying, we find ourselves wanting to hang around with friends when we are supposed to be praying, we find ourselves wanting to be at home doing nothing, while we are supposed to be in church participating in the activities going on there. All these must come to an end, if we truly want our walk with Jesus to be a rich and fruitful one. So ask yourself, Jesus or me, who currently has the upper hand? If you would be truthful to this question, Jesus will increase and you (selfish desires) will decrease. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

To have a very fruitful and flourishing walk with Jesus, He must increase while you must decrease!

Confession for the Day

Lord Jesus, you are my Lord and my God! I proclaim today that in all I do, your word and your will comes first, therefore I submit my will to your will and to your ways. All self-gratification and pleasures that exalts itself above the will of God in my life is hereby arrested this day by the power of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Hallelujah, Ameeeeeennnn. I let Jesus to increase in my life and I decrease in Jesus’s name. God bless you sir.

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