Let God’s Word Be Your Influence


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Monday May 30, 2022

book, bible, bible study

“…that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine…” Ephesians 4:14 (NKJV)

We are living in a world that has become greatly corrupted and filled with lots and lots of activities that has the ability to make us get carried away as Christians, but we have a responsibility to stand our ground and build our lives on the moral standards God has handed over to us through His words (scriptures). If we would live by His words, we will certainly escape the misdirection that is heavily at work in the world today. The devil has used this as a tool to influence God’s people negatively and sadly so many have fallen for this trick of the devil. But you must choose to be different. Make a conscious decision to stick to God’s word and let it be your influence. When God’s word and counsel is your influence, there is nothing else that can influence you, not even your friends or anything will be able to influence you because God’s word is a greater influence.

So I encourage you to let God’s word be your influence. Let your lifestyle stand out and let people see Jesus Christ in you. Jesus Christ in you, is the difference you need to make in this world. No matter how much you are tempted to deviate from God’s word or God’s plan for your life, refuse to go with that flow and stay with God’s word and plan for your life because in it lies your future. Once you are wholly given to God’s word, it doesn’t matter the influence out there, you will not dance to its tune because through your submission to the word of God, you have given it the opportunity to be your influence. Therefore, stay with the word of God and let it be your influence. Hallelujah!  

Today’s Rhema

When you give yourself to the word of God and its ideas, it becomes your influence and your fortification against any other negative influence!

Confession for the Day 

Thank you Father, for educating me with your word, I choose this day to give myself wholly to your word and to allow it be my influence in all that I do in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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