Learn to Study and Pray Often (2)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Thursday May 26, 2022

top view of black woman making notes while studying her bible

“…watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak…” Matthew 26:41 (NKV)

Now that we have established the unbeatable combination of studying the Bible and praying, someone might say but can’t I just pray without having to study? Must I have to study to get results in prayers? Well, you obviously will get results when you only pray but you see, if you truly want your prayer to carry such power and authority, then you must learn to study the word of God. You need to understand that studying God’s word has a way of enhancing the quality of your prayers and the results you get. 

A lot of times, the revelation of God’s word and His promises are needed to worship God effectively and have fellowship with God accurately. And this, you can only get through studies of God’s word. It is always good to approach God’s throne of grace with fresh revelations from His word which ultimately impacts your thanksgiving, supplication, intercessions and arguments at heavens court. The entrance of God’s word, gives light, it gives understanding to the simple, says the Psalmist in Psalm 119:130. Therefore He who studies God’s word before praying, will pray with light in His spirit and understanding for His petitions. So be encouraged to cultivate the habit of studying God’s word before praying. You might not do it back to back, but just make sure that your study life equals your prayer life. It will revolutionize your walk with God. I believe that when Jesus Christ said “watch and pray”, studying God’s word was part of the watch, because it helps you to pray and acquire not pray amiss. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema

Approaching God’s throne of grace with fresh revelations, enhances your thanksgiving, supplications, intercessions and arguments!

Confession for the Day

Heavenly father, I thank you for such a wonderful revelation you have given to me today through your word. I declare that henceforth studying and praying becomes my habit and as I do so, my results increase a hundredfold in the name of Jesus. Amen!

1 comment

  • Mukisa victoria

    Ameeeennnnn, I have been blessed.The word and prayer works.God bless you sir

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