Learn to Study and Pray Often (1)


By Pst. Franklin Odigwe on Wednesday May 25, 2022

praying, bible, reading bible

“…watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak…” Matthew 26:41 (NKV)

In my walk so far with God, one of the best combinations I discovered from the principles given to us in the scriptures is to “study and pray”. Beloved, you might not understand how powerful this combination is but believe me, it is life changing if you are able to take advantage of it. I have practiced it over the years and it has blessed me a lot. Many do not really understand how powerful this is, but I believe that God is leading me to bring to you the revelation behind this truth. I took out time to study quite a lot of people, and I discovered that one thing they do best is to pray a lot, but they hardly study the word of God. 

As a matter of fact, if you ask them how many times they have prayed in a month, they can easily tell you, they pray every day. But if you ask them how many times they have studied God’s word, they will tell you they don’t always do it. And when you ask them why, they do not really have enough reason to back it up. For some of them, they are just not into studies and for some others, prayer is a lot easier to do than to study. But guess what? People who pray and do not study regularly, somehow have placed a limitation in the things they can actually take out from their inheritance in Christ Jesus. Why? because when they pray, they are praying with less revelation and inspiration from the Holy Ghost. And this explains the reason they are not seeing the kind of results they want to see in their lives. However, God wants you to begin to have a different experience from today by cultivating the habit of studying and praying. It is an unbeatable combination. Stop trying to figure out if it will work for you or not because it works. Just make a conscious decision to start doing it today and your life will not remain the same. Praise God!

Today’s Rhema 

When you study and pray, you amplify your prayer power and remove the limitations!

Confession for the Day 

Thank you Father for this wonderful counsel, I decree that the passion to study and pray often is at work in me and as I engage in this exercise, my prayers are producing better results in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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